Reach to Recovery International

Join RRI

Reach to Recovery International (RRI) works to improve the quality of life of people diagnosed with breast cancer and their families through the provision of peer support and other services, such as patient advocacy and consumer involvement in research and decision making.  Individuals, programmes, groups, and organisations with similar objectives to RRI who wish to network and collaborate with those of like mind are welcome to join the RRI global community.

Individual Memberships

Any individual interested in breast cancer support is welcome to join by signing up for our email list via our website.  Benefits of individual membership include:

  • Receipt of RRI’s e-newsletter, Bloom
  • Periodic updates on important conferences and other events throughout the international breast cancer community
  • Notification of opportunities to participate in RRI conferences and virtual events and to contribute to Bloom

Memberships for Programmes, Groups, and Organisations

RRI welcomes any programme, group, or organisation to submit an application to become a Member Organisation. Membership Organisation categories are as follows:

  • Peer-support providers
    Programmes, groups, or organisations that provide one-on-one peer support and connection by volunteers with a lived breast cancer experience who are carefully trained and align with RRI’s Peer Support Training Guidelines
  • Breast cancer advocates
    Cancer-focused programmes, groups, or organisations that support, advocate, and raise awareness of issues relating to breast cancer and align with the aims and mission of RRI
  • Collaborators
    Non-governmental organisations, health professionals, advocacy organisations, and umbrella cancer organisations which align with the aims and mission of RRI. Our aim is to join our voice with the voices of other organisations with similar ideologies and goals, such as supporting and advocating for those affected by breast cancer.

Member Organisations are provided with:

  • RRI’s Membership Certificate
  • RRI’s Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct
  • RRI’s Guidelines for the Development of Peer Support Training

Benefits for Member Organisations include:

  • Inclusion in the RRI global community
  • Use of the RRI Member Logo upon request
  • RRI’s peer-support training templates and virtual assistance with training when possible upon request
  • Inclusion of the organisation’s name on RRI’s website
  • Inclusion of the oganisation’s logo and link on RRI’s website upon request and at RRI’s discretion
  • Letters of support for special occasions, funding initiatives, etc. from the RRI President upon request
  • Receipt of RRI’s e-newsletter, Bloom, and periodic updates on important conferences and other events throughout the international breast cancer community. Member organisation’s volunteers may personally receive a copy of Bloom by signing up to be on RRI’s mailing list
  • Notification of opportunities to participate in RRI conferences and virtual events and to contribute to Bloom
  • Opportunities to advertise their organisation’s events in Bloom and RRI’s social media outlets

Organisations that currently hold full memberships and have requested recognition on the RRI website:

  • Alma Zois, Athens, Greece
  • Alma Zois, Patras, Greece
  • Alma Zois, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • American Cancer Society, USA
  • Borstkanker Vlaanderen, Belgium
  • Breakthrough Cancer Trust, Zambia
  • Breast Cancer Now, UK
  • Breast Cancer Foundation, Singapore
  • Breast Cancer Support, Inc, New Zealand
  • Breast Cancer Welfare Association, Malaysia
  • Bricon Foundation, Nigeria
  • Cancer Association, Zimbabwe
  • Chinese Cancer Rehabilitation Society, People's Republic of China
  • Choices Cancer Support Centre, Australia
  • Conqueror’s Breast Cancer Trust, Zimbabwe
  • Counterpart, Australia
  • Europa Donna, Cyprus
  • Europa Donna, Ukraine
  • Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organisation Alliance, Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Indonesia Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Jamaica Cancer Society
  • Link to Life, Mauritius
  • Male Breast Cancer Global Alliance, USA
  • Movimento Vencer e Viver, Portugal
  • National Cancer Society, Malaysia
  • New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Norwegian Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Patient's Friends Society, Jerusalem
  • Renesansa Breast Cancer Association, Kosovo
  • Sarawak Breast Cancer Support Group, Malaysia
  • Swaziland Breast and Cervical Cancer Network
  • Reach for Recovery Kenya
  • Reach for Recovery South Africa
  • Reach to Recovery Surabaya, Indonesia
  • So Brave, Australia
  • Tanzania Breast Cancer Foundation

Apply to be an RRI Member Organisation:

Apply now to become an RRI Member Organisation and be part of a growing and respected global network of RRI affiliates. Simply follow the steps below.

Download, read, and commit to adopt, adhere to and promote RRI’s most current Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct.

RRI’s Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct.

Download, complete, and submit an RRI Membership Application form to 

RRI Membership Application Form

About RRI Member Organisations

RRI Member Organisations have accepted the RRI Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct, and are committed to improving the lives of those affected by breast cancer and their families.

Reach to Recovery International does not provide direct training, review, or oversight of Member Organisations and is not responsible for the actions of individual member groups.

Any Member Organisation found to be operating not in accordance with the RRI Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct is subject to losing its membership.

If an RRI member group is not acting in accordance with the principles and guidelines of RRI, please contact us as soon as possible at

Reach to Recovery Member Organisations are required to update their contact information whenever it is changed and to inform RRI immediately if for any reason they cease to comply with the RRI Guiding Principles and Membership Code of Conduct as posted on this website.