RRI Conferences:
Interested in hosting a Reach to Recovery international Breast Cancer Support Conference?
The first step is to complete our Application to Qualify to Bid to Host a Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Conference. This Application must be completed and approved by RRI before a formal bid can be submitted by your organisation.
RRI also welcome bids from organizations interested in hosting smaller scale, regional conferences that are suitable to our delegates.
A recording of the session held on 23 November 2024 is now available!
The session includes presentations and a panel discussion on Finding hope and building resilience following a breast cancer diagnosis.
If you did not receive the detailed instructions from RRI on accessing the recording, please email RRI at [email protected]. The recorded session includes:
- Presentations by the three expert speakers
- A panel discussion with the three speakers
- A question and answer session
2019 RRI Conference held in Prague, the Czech Republic
More than 200 delegates and speakers representing 29 different countries gathered in Prague from 12-15 June for the 19th Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Conference! The conference theme, Building bridges toward recovery, emphasized the importance of working together to support and advocate for breast cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. At the same time, it paid homage to the scenic bridges which span the Vltava river that runs through the Prague.
Past Reach to Recovery International Conferences
Past Asia-Pacific Regional Conferences
Two major awards are presented at each Reach to Recovery International Conference, the Terese Lasser Award and the Health Professional Medal. Terese Lasser was the first-ever Reach to Recovery volunteer and founder of the Reach to Recovery movement. The Terese Lasser Award is conferred on a RRI volunteer who has introduced, initiated, or contributed to the development of a new Reach to Recovery program in an exceptional way.
The Health Professional Medal is conferred on an outstanding health professional who has facilitated a voluntary breast cancer support program, encouraged and supported volunteers, aided recognition of volunteers by their community, and supported volunteers’ endeavors to spread their activities to new communities.